UK Visa Extension

UK Visa Extension – Hsmp, Work Permit, Working Holidays

In some circumstances you may be allowed to stay longer. For example, if you are entering the UK to marry or to enter into a civil partnership with someone who is already present and settled (see note below) in the UK, you can apply to stay as a husband or wife or civil partner after your marriage or civil partnership has been registered. The Border and Immigration Agency will deal with your application and they can provide more information.

Highly Skilled Migrant Programme(HSMP).

To extent the visa for a person who is under hsmp schame can extent the visa after compleating the following.

Candidate should prove his english proficiency by getting six or more bands in IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or documentry evidence of bachulor degree in english.
Candidate must need 75 points on point based system simmiler to that original HSMP application.


Points system will be same as for original HSMP application.

Working Holidaymaker Visa Scheme

as a working holidaymaker You cannot extend your stay. However, you can switch into work permit employment after one year in the UK if you are on the list of ‘shortage occupations’. you can also apply to stay in the UK as ‘Innovators’ and Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP) under Holyday maker visa.

Work permit visa extention

this type of visa can be extended to the maximam of 05 years.although the candidateas who have spant their five years in uk work permit visa can apply for permanent residancy.

student visa extension

If you enter the UK with a student visa or prospective student visa, or if you want to study on a course at degree level or higher, you can apply to the Border and Immigration Agency. Their contact details are at end of this guidance. The Border and Immigration Agency will charge you a non-refundable fee for any application to extend your stay in the UK. If you enter the UK with a student visitor visa, you will not be allowed to extend your stay.


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